Contact / Faq / Support

  • Please try to open shoutcast admin page http://myserverIP:myserverPort . Do you see the page ? Can you login as admin ?

    The most common reasons for this issue are.
    – Wrong IP , Port, or admin password
    – Somebody else is connected
    – You try to stream with bitrate higher that your plan is

  • Click here to open the centova manual .

  • Webradiostats are award wining statistics services and products for shoutcast and icecast server .

    Two main categories are available , Lite and Pro . Lite are real time statistics and Pro have also historical data.

    More Details at 

  • This is the 1 million dollar question.  Is not easy to answer.

    Three parts can produce this Gaps 
    1) Your End.

    • Software issue . Check if you cpu has 90-100% load. Make a restart.
    • Your ADSL connection (or your internet provider) maybe has stability issues
    • Your ADSL has high traffic. Close all downloads, P2P , Torrents etc.

    2) In Listener End. Here you can’t do nothing. Just confirm that there is not a wide issue.

    3) Global network issue. As you probably know between your end and webradiostats servers,  many networks exists.
    if one of them have a serious routing issue, or DDOS attack , for a while it can produce this kind of errors. 

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